
Trusted Big Data Service Platform

Trusted data asset management is the foundation for unlocking the value of data elements. The iSoftStone trusted big data service platform includes two processes: data resourcing and data capitalization. Through data resourcing, it builds a comprehensive and effective data asset management system that meets actual needs, improves data quality, and ensures data security; through data capitalization, it enriches data asset application scenarioses, establishes a data asset ecosystem, operates data assets continuously, and demonstrates the business value, economic value, and social value of explicit data assets.


The core definition of this solution is a one-stop trusted big data service platform. Users can enjoy full-process transaction services such as trusted data product registration, transaction, delivery, and settlement through the platform. The platform gathers all participants and elements of data transactions, with transparent transaction rules and a rich variety of transaction objects. Through the platform, data suppliers can quickly, safely, and effectively register and list data resources and data products; data service providers can use the platform to complete data collection, organization (data annotation, data cleaning, de-identification, standardization), aggregation (data transmission, storage, aggregation), data modeling, processing analysis, compliance analysis, evalsuation, and certification; data users can conveniently trial, purchase, and use data products and services. The platform product perfectly matches mainstream data direct supply services, data processing services, data banks, and other application models, making it a technically controllable, data-trusted, well-mechanized, traceable responsibility, and compliantly supervised data platform product.

Core Advantages
  • Data Value Exploration

    iSoftStone's excellent ability to assemble data assets and provide data application services makes data come alive, providing trusted data to drive business growth and production optimization.

  • Data Ecosystem Co-construction

    We deepen connections, efficiently and accurately connect people, events, and things, and embrace frontline production data for online and offline channels integration and end-to-end service models experience.

  • Data Service Guarantee

    iSoftStone, as a core supplier in the field of data elements services, is committed to providing full-stack services for data element consultation, analysis, and implementation for enterprises and organizations.

Service Scope
  • Financial Institution Users

    Focusing on digital services, industry connections, risk management, and other scenarioses, we output full-stack data element service capabilities, and help financial institutions develop industrial financial services around the core elements of target customers and upstream and downstream scenarioses.

  • Enterprise Users

    Combining the characteristics of the financial industry, we provide enterprises with data element service capabilities covering IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS services, linking financial scenarioses, and helping enterprises upgrade service models and scenarioses.

Main Products and Solutions