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    Retail Business Middle Office Solution
    • Introduction

      By integrating order systems, dealer systems, and goods tracking systems, and employing cutting-edge technologies such as cloud, IoT, blockchain, AR/VR, AI/BI, etc., this solution constructs a lightweight, agile, and unified digital middle office platform covering the front-end contact layer, middle-tier operational layer, and back-end support layer for traditional brand enterprises. It supports omnichannel marketing for retail and consumer goods enterprises.

    • Functional Characteristics

      On the business side, it integrates and collects transaction data, information, and customer behavior from various channels in the enterprise's front end. After personalized processing, it assigns specific tasks to corresponding systems, improving the efficiency of internal system operations.

    • Product Advantages

      1. It integrates redundant systems, connects to OCP, and collects information from various channels
      2. It establishes a data middle office to support an omnichannel marketing platform
      3. It implements intelligent manufacturing and lays out an intelligent industry ecosystem

    Consulting and Solutions